Latest Episodes
Last Year at Marienbad
You've been invited to a listening've been to this podcast before...we agreed to return...but what is going on? We still don't know but...
The Lady Eve
All aboard the romantic hilarity boat! Get your schemes on while Jana, Nick and Dylan discuss the insane, code breaking, sensual classic rom com...
The Matrix
Nick and Dylan, with a missing Jana, take the red pill and do a non-Ebert great movie to instead discuss a fan and cinematic...
La Dolce Vita
Nick, Jana, and Dylan today take a trip into Rome and fall in love, love, LOVE with Fellini's La Dolce Vita (to an amount...
Jana, Nick, and Dylan deep dive into the Oliver Stone epic JFK, discussing the history of the movie, of Oliver Stone, the Oscars that...
Season 5 Finale (and Dune reviews!)
We made it to the end of our Fifth Season! We give out paper plate awards, actual awards, do fun games, all based around...